April 15
"First Resurrection Appearance"
Prayer Room
Last Sunday of each month 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Located on 2-B of our Church main building
Prayer partners are there to pray with you for any circumstance in your life or concern for someone else. There are no problems too small or too large that God doesn't hear. You can rest assured of privacy and confidentiality.
Roberta Library
The Church Library is OPEN! Anyone may borrow books and return when they are finished. There is a composition book showing the sections and where the related books are that they are interested in reading. There are NO FICTION BOOKS. The book range is as follows: Study Guides and Research, Faith Journey & Encouragement, Inspirational (Christian Testimonies) & Christian Life. The bookcase could hold a few more of these types of books. Thanks to all who have donated.